We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home these past few years, which has been both good and bad.
Luckily, humans are endlessly curious and have a propensity for fixation when something actually interests them. All praise the Internet, which provides literally eternal fodder for human amusement.
So, if you’re sick of working from home all day, stuck with housemates who aren’t fun anymore, or are generally bored out of your mind, it’s time to fall down an epic rabbit hole. Yes, you may become that person with the “too much time on your hands” conspiracy theories, but hey—it’s a way to pass the time.
Consider this Reddit thread, which responded to Reddit user BriLyGan’s question, “What are some good internet Rabbit Holes to fall into during this time of quarantine?” Short and sweet, it got to the point right away and yielded some incredible (and very weird) answers. Lotta nerds out there.
Here’s what the Intenet had to say. Get ready to fall down a rabbit hole. Conspiracies? Check. Free online universities? Yep. Cult murders? Totally.
“I’ve been down a rabbit hole to make sourdough bread. I’m fascinated now. I didn’t realize how the process works. I saw some lady who’s been using the same starter since the 1970s and she got hers from a woman who used hers for the last hundred years. Edit: heck, this thing really blew up. People are asking for links. As I am sure there are thousands, this was what a friend shared with me that started me into this new black hole. Seems like a good lad making bread.”—snowbellsnblocks
“I thought reading about the Death Valley Germans was super interesting and took a good few hours to read and do my own research.”—tahsii
“I’ve been getting into reading about quantum mechanics. I figure if the quarantine lasts a year or two I still won’t understand any of it.”—reborngoat
“The Delphi Murders. If even a minor % of Redditors took one minute to view this video/audio (especially if you live in the midwest or know people in the midwest!), there’s a good chance this case could be solved. Today.”—ElyseVierra
“Here is a list of a couple hundred small homestead skills to build. Make a mallet with a branch and a hatchet. A bit of sewing. Make an adobe brick with mud from the backyard. Sharpen knives and tools. Dry some food.”—thousand_cranes
“The Rotten Library – rotten.com/library has an archive of essentially a pre-Wikipedia with hand-written articles on weird stuff – cults, murders, etc. it’s cross-linked so it’s easy to get lost, it’s a relic of when the web was just scattered information with no real way to find it. The Rotten Library was my teenage introduction to so many oddities that today get reposted on Reddit every few months.”—FishcatJones
“My 90s TV This is a fun, novelty website where you can easily lose yourself for hours with nostalgia. Basically it uses YouTube videos to simulate watching TV in 90s and allows you to specify the year you want, along with what categories you want to see when you change channels.”—-eDgAR-
“Reading court opinions from (insert your state here) Court of Appeals. I’ve learned so much about the legal system, precedence in proceedings, police interrogation, search and seizures and lots of other things. I’ve also learned there are some seriously messed up people…more than I could have imagined.”—Inaka
“On youtube, I have been viewing this channel named “Horror Stories”. Its a collection of short but brief real-life horror stories of people who died in the most horrible, unimaginable, and unsuspecting way. No clickbait. On-point storytelling.”—PraetorOfSilence
“Khana Academy. I recommend this because it’s become obvious that part of the problem right now is how many people didn’t do well in school, or did not have the opportunity, and thus tune out valuable information they don’t understand. I wish more people took advantage of the fact that scholastic information is free (or close to it, just gotta look for it) online nowadays. Before the internet, you had to be lucky enough to afford education, and live in a place where that kind of opportunity was available. Most people in the past didn’t get to change their future as easily as we can.”—yourclitsbff