People Who Left Their Partners Over Bad Sex Share Their Stories (18 Stories)

11. Isn’t that everyone who has kids though?

“The sex wasn’t enjoyable for a long time but we ended up making a baby regardless. Eventually there was 0 sex life. He looked elsewhere- first it was a porn addiction and then he was dating other women. It’s been a few years and we’re solid coparents and both just doing our own thing. Wasn’t a messy breakup.” –dooropen3inches

12. I’m not a sex robot.

“He got really toxic when I wasn’t in the mood. My sex drive is nearly non-existent and his was daily to every other day. A lot of the times I would just help him since I wasn’t in the mood then just call it a day after that. I always felt scared to say No because he got all upset cause I wouldn’t let him fuck me. Glad I got out of there honestly. Oh and he cheated on me.” –TooManyTriesForAName

13. Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

“I left an SO because… well, I really hate to mention this, but her vag was so loose I almost felt nothing. She even told me a previous partner had said the same.

Now, I’m not the biggest “down there” but certainly not the smallest either. It was almost impossible for me to climax with her and eventually we split up “officially” for other reasons, but a major one for me was the sex. I just didn’t really got turned on after experiencing her. A shame since I really liked her.” –jacobtf

14. This is a problem, how?

“I wanted to have sex every day. She wanted to have sex once a month. She basically started shaming me for not thinking of anything but sex to which I responded by basically calling her a prude. There’s no real coming back from that.” –MoguoTheMoogle

15. Respect the boundaries.

“She wanted sex all the time and wouldn’t respect my boundaries when I told her “No.” She was like the male version of Harvey Weinstein.” –fergi20020

16. Are you done yet? I’ve got something I need to do.

“Never climaxed… ever. I had to get myself off in the bathroom after he was done. Never said a word for 2 years.” –jiminsgotjams

17. Slim Jim.

“Not the full reason I left, but he was very slim with a bony build and had no idea how to… please a woman. He just kinda stuck it in and forced it in and out. All About his pleasure and none of mine. I even remember asking my friends if I was supposed to enjoy sex because I hadn’t so far. Now with my current boyfriend it’s pure bliss!” –Pooter8598

18. What are you, married?

“We weren’t having any.” –Freeiheit

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