Woman Gets Told By Strange Man To Find A BF On Twitter 3 Years Ago, Now They’re Engaged

Romance isn’t dead. It’s just moved to Twitter. That’s what I believe after learning about the love story between Twitter users @KatieKatCubs and @TBrown_80. Three years ago in August, Katie tweeted about some man troubles she was having. She joked that she asked some married men at work where to find single guys. The only two suggestions they had were “strip club” and “any bar, anywhere at 1:30 am.”

Based on her reaction to this advice, I think Katie wanted to meet someone with a little more substance.

Somehow, Katie’s post found a Reply Guy named Terry. He answered Katie’s plea for places to meet single men, and he responded, “Twitter.”

This suggestion was immediately dismissed, but Terry is nothing if not persistent. He offered her a few more responses, which on the surface might seem terrible, too. But I actually think he might be right about some of them:

  1. DMV
  2. Blockbuster Video
  3. The Gym
  4. The frozen food aisle at the grocery store
  5. Hooters
  6. Ikea
  7. The library
  8. A museum
  9. Roller rink
  10. Shooting range

Yeah, sounds like men would be there. Except at the roller rink (I’ve checked). And Blockbuster Video. It’s closed (I’ve also checked that).

Katie continued to reject Terry’s suggestions and kept trash-talking not only the dating scene, but herself kinda. She described herself as awkward and said men don’t approach her. Terry kept approaching, though, and tried to turn her dating fails around with a little advice from romantic comedies:

Finally, she said she was hopeless. He didn’t believe it:

And that’s how he ended up in her DMs. Three years later, she has a ring on her finger:

Katie didn’t realize she was writing her own romantic comedy with her future fiancé, meet-cute and all:

Twitter. Who knew.

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