Man’s Twitter Thread About Proposing To His GF With A Pawn Shop Ring He Hid For Three Years Goes Viral

Love is patient, love is kind, and so are the best marriage proposals.

So when Elan Gale, a Los Angeles-based producer best known for his work on The Bachelor, took to Twitter to tell the story behind his recent engagement to his girlfriend Molly, the thread quickly went viral.

Gale broke down the emotions and moments that led to the proposal and how it all started with finding the perfect ring in a Seattle pawnshop years earlier.

He took the hint.

Then he waited.

And waited…

Until the time was right. 

There were some last-minute nerves.

But then…

Out came the same ring his girlfriend had admired in a Seattle pawn shop more than three years ago.

Along with a question.

And an answer.


It seems like it worked out OK.

Nailed it.

Obviously, people love it. 


More of the best romantic proposals:

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