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2019’s Top Trends In Gen-Z Tinder Bios: Stanning, Climate Crisis, AOC, Facepalming

On Thursday, popular dating app Tinder released its year in review, called “The Year in Swipe – What 2019 Taught Us About the Future of Dating.”

This is the first year that Gen-Z users make up more of the app’s demographic than Millenials. So what did their Tinder profiles reveal about their preferences? 

For one, politics is more popular to mention in profiles and to talk about than previously. According to the review, younger Tinder users were more likely to talk about politics and causes they were passionate about. Specifically, trending political figures included Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Greta Thunberg. Most of the political figures on the list are not surprising considering that we’re ramping up for an election, but Greta Thunberg is a unique member of the list. 

“As we approach an election year, it’s no surprise that politics saw some serious action on Tinder. Democratic presidential candidates, along with our current president, dominated the list of political figures who helped give Tinder members something to talk about,” noted the year in review. “But a few well-known triplet acronyms, AOC and RBG, also gave daters a chance to connect.” 

LGBTQ issues are also more to the forefront. 30% more people used the More Genders feature this year, and usage of the rainbow emoji in bios rose 15%. 

Gen Z users were more likely to mention causes or missions than travel in their bios as opposed to Millenials, who talked more about their travel experiences and marathons (As an older Millenial or Xennial or whatever, I implore: can we please let the marathon zest  just die already?). Top trending topics included veganism, climate crisis, gun control, and social justice. 

The Top Terms In 2019 Tinder Profiles:

  • Real 
  • Lit 
  • Cause/Mission 
  • Stan 
  • Tea 
  • Travel 
  • Woke 
  • Connection 
  • Explore 
  • Snack 

In terms of what Tinder users are looking for in a potential partner, here are some of the descriptors most used in bios, with “real” topping the list: lit, woke, connection, mission, stan, explore, and tea. When it came to the most referred to pop culture figures and items, Billie Eilish, Captain Marvel, Lizzo, Old Town Road, Fyre Festival, Game of Thrones, Jonas Brothers, and Green New Deal were trending. 

Looking for love in Atlanta? You’re in luck. Atlanta had the largest increase in activity per member in 2019, followed by Orlando, San Diego, and Dallas. Other fastest-growing cities for swipe activity included Philadelphia, Tampa, Raleigh, San Antonio, Sacramento, and Greensboro. 

And how can we forget emojis. The facepalming emoji saw a 41% increase in Tinder profiles this year. Other popular emojis included the shrug and the ok hand sign.

More Tinder junk and stuff:

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.