Woman’s Prank On Neighbors Throwing A Party During COVID-19 Has People Pissed

The coronavirus has definitely split people’s realities pretty severely. Some people are fighting a deadly pandemic, desperately trying to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, obeying social distancing orders and sacrificing many types of activities they once enjoyed to limit the spread of the deadly virus. And other people are partying like absolutely nothing is happening in fetid maskless pools of germs.

Twitter user Danielle Baskin shared a story about what she did when her neighbors started throwing ragers next door.

“If you see your neighbors having a big party, and you have a printer at home, just cancel it for them,” she wrote

She shared a picture of what looks like a crowded party at a fancy condo:


And a picture of the signs she posted around the apartment’s doors, which reads, “SO SORRY! DUE TO COVID-19 WE DECIDED TO CANCEL THE PARTY. Sorry for change of plans! Wanted to do the right thing. Love you all and hope to see you when the pandemic is over! <3”

In all seriousness, I doubt anyone reading that actually believed the party to be canceled. They would either text or ring or literally look up at the dozens of people already out on the rooftop patio and realize it’s still going on. At the least, it would be a reminder that what they’re doing is kind of insulting to people whose relatives are dead because of COVID-19. Wow, the more I think about it the more real this prank gets.

Baskin had a lot of supporters but started to get some pushback from people calling her a “Karen” or even a fascist. Baskin pointed out that she didn’t call the police and there were no consequences for the people throwing the party because of her sign, except maybe a moment of reflection:

She wasn’t too pleased with people telling her to mind her business, either:

And lots of people defended her as well:


Not everyone would interfere with people having a party, even if they thought the party was wrong. It should be widely understood, however, that the party is definitely wrong.

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