millennial personality, millennial personality traits

Gen-Z Kids Are Dunking On “Millennial Personality Traits” (30 Tweets & Memes)

Gen Z is going IN on Millennial personality traits.

Just when you think an uneasy peace has been established in the ongoing generational war between Boomers, Millennials, and Zoomers (sorry Gen X), someone lashes out again and the cycle of meme-based violence begins anew.

As it turns out, Gen Z has proven a vicious adversary, all too willing to skewer Millennials for their sad-sack ways and roast them for their nostalgia-based coping mechanisms. They tend to hit their slightly older elders right where it hurts most: In their excessive love for Harry Potter and carefully constructed identities, often pointing out that having a particular consumer preference “isn’t a personality trait.”


Please Gen Z…have mercy on Millennials…


millennial personality, millennial personality traits


millennial personality, millennial personality traits


millennial personality, millennial personality traits


millennial personality, millennial personality traits


millennial personality, millennial personality traits


millennial personality, millennial personality traits





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