Writer Says She Wouldn’t Let Kids Eat Off The Kids Menu And Starts A Debate (33 Tweets)

Writer Jill Filipovic has a big following online and has written several books, so I’m pretty surprised she didn’t expect to get so much smoke over her extremely controversial opinion about how to feed children. As far as I can tell, no one asked her to share this opinion and it relates to nothing that was trending, yet she went ahead and tweeted it out for everyone to read.

“I know the thing parents hate most is when non-parents assert what they will do as parents which is inevitably smug and incorrect,” she wrote. “but I am 100% sure I will never assent to a ‘kid’s menu’ or the concept of ‘kid food.'”

How can a tweet be so self-aware and so un-self-aware at the same time?

From her statement, it seems Filipovic does not have children of her own. She seems to fully understand that no one without children really knows what it takes to care for them, and that those people frequently say smug, wrong things. Then she goes on to say something smug and wrong. 

Even if she weren’t wrong, she should know that parents are amongst the most hair-trigger groups on the Internet. They will come for your neck if you even imply they could all be doing something better or different. Maybe it’s because they’re so tired from child-rearing, but they’re not interested in nuanced conversation, they’re interested screaming at you online. Which is exactly what happened:








There were some people who defended this take, mostly saying that they grew up in households where it was normal to eat the same things as adults were eating:


But is eating at home the same thing as going to a restaurant? And even at home, a child is more likely to get a less spicy dish or smaller portions, or more carbs. They’re not little adults, no matter how you choose to treat them.

Though she wasn’t expecting to be quote-tweeted so hard, Filipovic seems to find the backlash funny, and is glad it’s at least bringing people together:


Parents, united.

More parenting tweets: