Everyone’s Sharing What That “Weird Kid” At Their Schools Did That They Still Remember (22 Stories)


“Ran around the hallways making pterodactyl noises with his arms raised up behind him like he was swimming butterfly.” –Kitchen_Apartment


“Ate styrofoam, and then (visibly) lied about/denied it when someone pointed it out. Bits of styrofoam came out of his mouth.” –xanoll


“So, there was a guy at our school when i was a freshman that everyone called “Wolfman” who was weird in all the bad ways. He claimed to have super powers: teleportation, DBZ like energy creation and what not. All the girls said he would he just stare at them if they had class with him. He hung around us freshmen and did his best to “flirt” with the girls. For an example of his “flirting” he once told a girl that while astral projecting, he saw her face on Jupiter. Needless to say, girls stayed away from him.” –Catsindahood


“Ate a sheep eye we were supposed to dissect in science class. Man oh man.” –methslug


“Went to a large school, ~3000 students. If anyone said anything to the weird kid that he didn’t like, he would stare at you and recite your name and address. A little creepy.” –SprDave70


“Hissed at people in the halls and then bit someone.” –Negative_Estate_2061


“There was this huge guy, tall and wide, in our classes. To support his impressive body, he ate a lot. He’d bring an entire roll of cookies (like 20+) and stack them on one side of his desk. Them he would take on bite out of cookie number 1, and put it to the other side of his desk. Then he would take one bite out of the next cookie and place that one on top on cookie number 1. He’d go through the whole stack, until all cookies were partially eaten and in a neat stack on the other side of his desk. Then he would do it again, take one bite of the top cookie and place that in the original side of the desk, bite the next cookie etcetera. After maybe 15 minutes of biting and stacking, the whole lot was gone. Now we weren’t even supposed to eat in class, but he always got away with it somehow.” –gozba


“Humped my desk for a solid minute while maintaining eye-contact with me, and then said, “thanks” and just walked away.

I’m a guy, this was 15 years ago, on my first day at this new school, and I was just eating lunch at my desk, and this dude just walked up and went to town. No context, no introduction, nothing.

Didn’t even buy me dinner first. Just wham, bam, thank you desk.” –saroshsidhva2


“Naruto-ran everywhere, told everyone her dad was Harry Potter (at age 12), and most memorably, came to school bawling her eyes out because she said she had laid an egg and her parents had eaten it for breakfast.” –transsomethin


“At an all-school assembly during my freshman year, a motivational speaker posed an easy rhetorical question to the crowd, and the weird kid in my grade unnecessarily shouted out the answer, to every bored person’s sudden delight.

For some reason (trying to maintain his authority?), the speaker asked our weird kid, “What’s your name, son?” Without pause, weird kid STOOD UP from his chair and loudly proclaimed, “MY NAME IS BOOGER.”

This announcement was met with raucous applause and laughter from the entire student body.

It was gloriously random and weird. From then on the weird kid was known only as Booger in our small town. It fit him better than “Shawn,” and he fucking owned that name until graduation.” –pepperspaceship