23 People Share The Strangest Experiences They Can’t Logically Explain

Everyone has some kind of story—whether it’s something that happened to them or to someone they know—that just defies any logical explanation. It might be seeing a ghost, or experiencing a psychic moment, or just witnessing some spooky unexplained lights in the sky.

Creepy brushes with the paranormal are so common they’re actually kind of… normal.

Redditor elibwell recently asked, “What is the strangest thing that happened to you that you can’t logically explain?”

The stories people shared are downright spooky, and some of them are guaranteed to give you goosebumps.

Read through them if you dare…



“I’m a firefighter and we got a call for an overdose around 3 am to a rough part of our district in the middle of winter. Unfortunately the patient was long gone and her dealer or whatever found her like that when he dropped some stuff. As we were packing up our stuff mind you this is a absolutely trashed mobile home, I hear something down the hall that said “lights?” I ask my partner if he said anything as it was just him and I cleaning up he said no. I walk to the far end of the trailer where I heard it and shine my flashlight I get a reflection out of the window. They have a small tool shed and it had a flickering light, it peeked my interest so my partner and I go out there. We hear crying and notice the door is padlocked. We cut it, and this little six year old girl was in there. She said her mom puts her in there when she gets mad at her. She said she got scared when she heard the sirens and didn’t know what to do. To this day I have no idea what happened or where the voice came from, but I’ll take the win on it.”—EatinBeav


“I once shut my ear in a car door. No idea how, have tried to recreate it and can’t, but my god that hurt!”—meehaja


“As a child visiting my Grandma’s house (My Mum’s – mum), whenever I left the house I’d wave next door to Ken who was always sat in the bay window looking out at the sea. They lived right on the coast off the North Sea in Hartlepool (UK) We’d never really talk, but just a little wave before I went to get into the car.

One time I’m leaving my Grans house, I’m in front of my Mum who’s stopped at the door to talk to my Gran. So I head down the steps and towards the gate. I turn back and see Ken in the window. Big smile as usual, waving at me. I give him a wave back. He stands up, gives me the thumbs up, and wanders towards the back of the room. My Mum comes walking down the steps and asks “Who are you waving at?” I replied “Ken”.

To this day, I can remember my mam’s face. She just went white, but didn’t say anything to me.

It was only a few weeks later when she plucked up the courage to tell me, that Ken had died a few days prior to our visit to my Grans.

I don’t believe in ghosts, but I know I saw him. I can still picture his striped grey sweater with light stripes across it. Him waving and getting up out of his chair. There was no-one else in the house, he lived by himself.

Brains are weird.”—Ablemarrow87


“I hit a patch of black ice in the dark going 60mph down the highway. At the time, I drove a 1 ton cargo van. It hit the guard rail and flipped. Not only did I walk away without a scratch, the car was drivable and I was only 30 min late to work.”—That_Weird_Girl_107


“One morning I woke up and noticed my camera was on top of the sofa opposite my bed. I knew I didn’t put it there because it was a very expensive camera and it could very easily fall from this place. I had placed it in my cabinet. I went over, picked it up, and turned it on and clicked the button to view photos. There were hundreds of photos of me sleeping, all seemingly taken from the back of the sofa.

I was literally so freaked out, I couldn’t stop crying. I lived alone. It was just photo after photo of me sleeping. The photos were taken in “quick snap”, where the camera takes approx one photo per second. I later realized the camera didn’t even have a “quick snap” setting so technically it was impossible for the camera to take the photos at all. The timestamps suggest all photos were taken between 2 and 3am. I’ve never figured out wtf happened, how the camera got to the sofa, or how it is even possible for a camera with no quick snap to quick snap, but I still have a USB with the photos on it and it still freaks me the fuck out.”—Excellent-Raccoon-32


“I have a vivid memory of being at the Statue of Liberty as a child, on my dad’s shoulders, seeing the skyline of NYC. I remember what we ate for lunch that day, etc. I remember the ferry we took. I’ve always thought about this memory and talked about it, but my family denies I ever went to NYC. I didn’t go for the first time until I was 23, but strangely enough, when I went, I remembered everything just how it had been when I was there with my dad.” —dryshampooforyou


“My girlfriend got out of the shower and called me into the bathroom to show me the mirror. There was a very strange, distinct handprint placed on the mirror. I lived alone and she was the only adult that had been to my house in about two years. We each placed our handprints on the sides of the mystery handprint for reference and neither look anything like the mystery print. I still have no idea how it got there.”—Nardelan

Mirror handprint picture:



“When I was younger, in elementary school, I used to have the same dream every weekend starting on Saturday (when I would go to sleep) and then waking up in the middle of the night (on Sunday) and throwing up. The dream was always a bunch of numbers. Not even anything happening just a bunch of random jumbled up numbers all over the place. I never understood why that happened where the same dream would happen on the same night every week and I would throw up every single time. I always think about it and wonder what it was or if it was just some weird coincidence. Also I would not have any signs of being sick before or after.”—alecaskye


“When I was in college, a drunk dude fell from a 3rd floor balcony and got up and walked away like it was nothing. Seriously one of the weirdest/freakish things I’ve ever seen in my life.”—randy88moss


“When I was in primary school in the cafeteria there were all these cups filled with milk every lunch. Red, green, blue BUT ..only one yellow cup. Everyone would fight to get the yellow cup like it was the holy grail and it had been this way for years. One night I had a dream that the cafeteria had gotten more yellow cups in, and low and behold the next day… Hundreds of yellow cups.”—astrologicalfoxx

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