Gather ’round, dog lovers. This is the Twitter thread for you. It’s got everything—stories about cute dogs, stories about being compelled to pet cute dogs, stories about celebrities, and stories about ignoring celebrities just to pet dogs more.
It all started with an anecdote from writer Alanna Bennett, who said she was sitting in a cafe in Los Angeles when who should walk in but an adorable dog.
When Bennett gasped at the outrageous cuteness before her, the dog’s owner turned around and it was none other than actress Tessa Thompson.
People are probably always gasping when they see Thompson, but Bennett wanted to clear everything up and let her know that she wasn’t trying to creep on a celebrity. She just loves puppos.
I just GASPED at a dog who walked into a cafe because the dog was REAL CUTE. Then the person walking the dog turned around and it was Tessa Thompson and now I feel bad.
Sorry Tessa, big fan, you looked great, but I respect your coffee shop time, sorry if u felt gasped-at
— AB (@AlannaBennett) September 28, 2019
This is already a perfect story, but it got even better. This is apparently a very common phenomenon. Dog people see the dog first and the people second. Hundreds and hundreds of folks replied with stories about seeing an adorable dog they had to meet and only realize later that the person walking it has won an Oscar.
It seems like most celebrities are pretty chill about people fawning all over their animals. Maybe it’s a relief not to get so much personal attention? Whatever the reason, this is the kind of content I want:
This makes me feel better
— AB (@AlannaBennett) September 28, 2019
It’s so bad. I gasped and RUSHED toward her to pet the dog, then realized it was her and stopped in my tracks, then realized I’d gone too far to abort and so I awkwardly finished approaching and I pet the dog without making eye contact 🤦🏻♀️
— Liz Sczudlo (@lizsczudlo) September 28, 2019
Did it it to Tom Hiddleston two nights ago walking near central park. Whoops.
— Bridget Jividen (@BridgetRambles) September 29, 2019
‘Aww look at that cute dog. I’m gonna go ask if I can pet it… wait, no I’m not. That’s Orlando bloom.’
— chilliest warrior (@ellisdanger) September 29, 2019
All of this sounds less creepy when you realize that we were in the same (long-ass) security line. I was trying to get up the nerve to ask to pet the dog that whole time lol. I realized he was Leslie Knope’s husband at the gates, I SCAMPERED
— Lexie Sharabianlou (@lexieshar) September 30, 2019
Mordred is an amazing dog name.
— KellyGreen (@kellygreen514) September 29, 2019
I feel like this is peak Betsey Johnson.
— Ntombi A. Peters is on Bluesky (@Ntombi) September 29, 2019
Dodger is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen (not in life because this is cleveland). But I agree lol
— Cali (@ThenCaliSays) September 30, 2019
This happened to me with John Cusak’s frenchie in the United lounge at O’Hare. Saw the dog and wanted to rub the belly, so I asked “Hey! Can I say hi?” And only then did I realize it was him under the baseball cap.
— Ninja Simone (@blucu) September 30, 2019
throwback to the time i did this with susan sarandon by taking a photo of her dog and then realising it was her after we left the park lol
— piper spice latte (@pridedoherty) September 30, 2019
This thread is so wonderful, but someone pointed out that we need more details on these dogs. Paint me a word picture, people!
I would like more details though.. type of dog.. colors.. what was the dog wearing?
— Fanto (@fantomette_11) September 30, 2019
Though someone did chime in to say that they know what Tessa Thompson’s dog looks like because she just adopted him from The Dog Cafe in Silverlake, Los Angeles.
That is a good dog.