Parents, Friends, And Family Members Share Stories About Mixing Up Identical Twins


Twin girls, we have no idea if we still call them by their birth names or if we swapped them accidentally. We decided to always dress them differently but mid way we forgot which one was dressed how. —Sodds


My grandpa was a twin, but this is about his grandpa, who wasn’t a twin. His family was one of the first Mormon families to live up in Canada – right where Cardston, Alberta is now, to be precise. They lived right next to a river, and would help other travelers and families cross it. About once a month, they would have a party at their house to catch up with neighbors and newcomers. The parents would often leave their babies on a bed to sleep while they talked with other adults, and take their baby with them when they left in the wee hours of the morning. My great-great grandfather with his friends went in the baby room one night during a party, and switched the blankets on the babies. No one else knew what happened until morning, when they could see that the baby they were holding clearly wasn’t theirs. So, for a few weeks, maybe even months, they were stuck with taking care of someone else’s baby until they could finally get theirs back. I don’t know what punishment my great-great grandfather got for pulling that stunt. —MusicLover675

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