People On Reddit Share The Most Passive-Aggressive Gifts They’ve Given Or Received


Clothes that are either way too big or way too small for them. —grotesqueteaspoon


A lovely gift basket with soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, an exfoliator, hairbrush, toothbrush, mouthwash, body spray (add until you’ve successfully offended). —Black_Bud


A potbelly pig, of course not actually a potbelly pig that grows to be a full size sow. —TheGogmagog


Heard in the thread that it’s for your MIL, so you have to pick something that she can’t hate. Professional photos of you and your boo are a good start, but are too easy to just stash away. Get her a spa day to the WORST parlor in town. You pamper her, yet she has the balls to complain? It’ll be flawless —Lockshala


My progressive friend was in law school for environmental law when his (very conservative) mom got him an autobiography of Antonin Scalia for Christmas —thattiredgradstudent


This isn’t totally passive aggressive, more just self centered but I think it would serve this purpose. One year for Christmas my narcissist MIL gave everyone a bag of her favorite things, but not even cool favorite things. It was her favorite gum, candy, pens, etc. I think she was truly trying to be thoughtful, like “I love these things and want to share them with you.” But it definitely came across as “I don’t care enough to know or find out anything you might like so here’s my favorite things.” —hotlavafloor


A gift card to a chain restaurant with no nearby locations. Someone inadvertently did this to me and it’s VERY annoying. —Huufrt


A pair of drumsticks to go along with the drums you are gifting to their youngest child —bluesable


The best thing you can do is get them something extremely thoughtful and nice. It will absolutely destroy them because they either have to admit they may be wrong about you or convince themselves that they hate the gift. —outoftouch49

Nailed it.

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