25 Former Prisoners Share Their “Biggest Shock” Once They Got Out


I met a dude who had just gotten out of prison after 15 years, he said that his immediate shock was just seeing color. He said that everything in the joint was Grey looking, he went to Walmart and was overwhelmed by all the colors he had not seen in 15 years—u/iLLicit__


My brother did 15 years starting in October of 2000. We went out to lunch the day he was released and the automatic soap dispenser for washing your hands in the bathroom genuinely scared him lol.—u/[deleted]


My cousin robbed a bank at the age of 14 and he just got out last year. his mom set up a facebook account for him and his first status update was: what the f—ck is this sh—t—u/titlewhore


The world just seemed to get bigger and faster, and a lot ruder. It was odd that some of the nicest people I know were inside of prison, yet I get out, be respectful and ask questions, and I’m looked down on or shunned and judged, before I’m able to complete a sentence to someone. It’s odd how prison politics teach you manners, but you get out and manners are out of the window with the world you live in.

I remember spending days and days on YouTube, just amazed at how much stuff I could look at for free, that years ago, I would have to pay a lot of money to get VHS tapes for.—u/[deleted]


What happened with Legos? They used to be simple.

Oh come on, I know you know what I’m talking about. Legos were simple. Something happened out here while I was inside. Harry Potter Legos, Star Wars Legos, complicated kits, tiny little blocks.

I mean I’m not saying its bad I just wanna know what happened.—u/tychobrahesmoose

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