“What Character Didn’t Deserve To Die?”—25 People Share Fictional Deaths That Affected Them

21. Tadashi from Big Hero 6

He was such a good guy, he just wanted to help and save people. The only reason he died was because he tried to save Callahan from the fire. Plus, I had the biggest crush on him.—u/white-forestt

22. Prince Lu Ten from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Uncle Iroh’s son Everyone gangster until Iroh starts singing leaves from the vine—u/PoshAndRepressed

23. Bing Bong from Inside Out

Brought my daughter to the theatre to see it. When they are trapped in the crevice she starts to lose it crying, so we leave the theatre to calm her down. I sneak in and see they have a plan to escape, so convince my daughter they will be okay and to go back to continue watching. You can guess how well that went. Still haven’t seen the end of the movie, and even years later my daughter (now almost 10) refuses to watch it and gets upset when I mention it!—u/nadji1

24. Tony Stark from Avengers: Endgame

I just hate that he and Morgan aren’t gonna get to be in each other’s lives 🙁 This isn’t a criticism of the movie, just acknowledgement of how successfully it makes me feel sadness for characters—u/Drew326

25. Sam the German Shepherd from I Am Legend

I cry every damned time. Saved the humans. Hate that movie.—u/genitahls

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