As we approach the official second anniversary of COVID-19 pretty much shattering our lives as we know them, people are starting to reflect on all the small things that have changed, perhaps forever.
Now going viral, Redditor u/Outrageous-Collar-09 asked this simple question recently:
“What normal thing pre-COVID feels weird now?“
Here are some of the responses that had us nodding gently in agreement.
1. “Wearing any makeup at this point, TBH.”
“Wearing lipstick”
2. “Watching post-apocalyptic movies and seeing things on abandoned store shelves that we damn well know would be long gone. Like TP.”
“Watching movies with scenes of crowded elevators and no masks. ‘Yikes’ is all I can think now.”
3. “Sharing drinks with people. I used to never think twice about drinking after someone.”
4. “Flying on an airplane. Flew for the first time this week since 2018. Shit was weird, man.”
5. “Still going to work when you’re sick — because you’re not ‘too sick‘ to work.”
“Taking mass transit and going to work even though I was sick because I didn’t feel sick enough to warrant using one of my days.”
— Hrekires
6. “Blowing candles out on a cake — then serving that cake to other people.”
7. “Knowing what the lower half of faces look like. I imagine my own version and then I see them without a mask and I get a sort of dissonance.”
8. “Coughing and sneezing in public.”
9. “Going to browse around a store for no reason. I won’t go to stores anymore unless there’s something in particular I need.”
10. “Reading lips. I’m autistic with an auditory processing disorder. I sometimes hear syllables instead of actual words, so I lip-read to make sure I’m hearing someone correctly. Masks have created so many awkward, embarrassing, confusing interactions for me because I can’t lip-read anymore!”
11. “Going anywhere you want without thinking about it.”
12. “Dating during COVID sucks. There are no social gatherings to meet new people.”
13. “Going to a hospital without a mask. Super common before but unthinkable now.”
14. “Salad bars were always kinda sketch — but I miss them.”
15. “I really miss greeting strangers with a quick smile in public places or seeing that they’re smiling at me.”
“I still forget people can’t see when I’m smiling at them as a sign of thanks or just a warm greeting. It makes me feel like an asshole.
16. “Uber pools”
17. “Anywhere with a crowd.”
18. “Vaccines not being political.”
19. “In-person work. Haven’t been on site since March 2020 other than picking up an ergonomic chair once we knew we weren’t coming back for a long time.”
20. “Going to an empty drive-thru and quickly getting fast food.”
21. “In the Southern US, a handshake used to be a given. Now everyone has to do this weird half attempt or ask if it’s okay to shake hands. Most people have just stopped. It’s so bizarre.”
22. “Sharing drinks with people. I use to never think twice of drinking after someone.”
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