People Who Hired Private Detectives Share What They Found (18 Stories)


“Had a babysitter we thought was stealing from us, luckily our neighbor was a PI couple and they ran a background check for $10. Babysitter had a string of DUIs and a few days before a large fine was due, my camera disappeared. He also stole money from my kids piggy banks.

He sort of disappeared but was also really into Instagram so I surreptitiously followed him. He started babysitting again for a single mom (easy target) and posted a lot of ‘fun’ pics with this family. I tracked down the mom and sent her a long email detailing out his whole scam. She said we were right and it was clear he’d been stealing from her business.

He has since gone underground but I still Google him regularly to see what he’s up to. He’s been able to avoid arrests for a while now.” –dewayneestes


“My Grandfather was separated from his brother when the Japanese occupied China. My grandfather safely made it to Hong Kong and eventually to Canada. His brother made it to Singapore or Malaysia according to family friends back then. So my grandfather spent a good 5 years or so working with a PI to find his brother so they can be reunited. Sadly, with just a picture and the fact many people died in the war, it wasn’t much to go on. My grandfather is still alive and always thinks of his brother. It’s his wish to see him one more time.” –yuri_yk


“I got hired to look at into another PI just to ensure he was doing his job. Later we found out that each of us were looking for each other to be investigated. There were 3 of us.” –somerandomasskid


“My wife and I are friends with a lot of bar owners and bar tenders because of her job. We knew this one owner/tender, we will call him Dana, that was the nicest fucking guy. Like, if he knew you were sick, he would cover your shift at your bar and then give you the tips he made that night. Just the best guy.

Then one night we are drinking with another bartender friend, Ben. Ben let’s us know that Dana has brain cancer. He’s been keeping it quiet, but Ben has been giving him money, upwards of $5,000, for treatment. My wife and I were about to give money to Ben to pass on.

Then Dana’s business partner got suspicious and hired a PI to follow Dana on a day he took off for “medical reasons”. Turned out Dana spent the day drinking at another bar. No doctor visits.

The business partner confront Dana who comes clean. He did not have cancer. He was just saying that to get money from his friends. Apparently lots of bartenders had been giving him money.

Dana is more or less run out of town. He moved to a different city, and I know he slowly paid Ben back, but it took a couple years. I’m not sure what happens to him since.” –Dudeinairport


“In his twenties, my SO hired a PI to find out what had become of the childhood bully who had made his life hell, and who had vowed to kill him. Actually, he did try by bringing a loaded gun to school, but some other kid ratted him out & the bully got expelled—but still lived in the neighborhood for a few more years & beat up my SO every chance he got.

The PI found the bully living in a town more than an hour outside the big city, in a dead-end job. He’d been arrested for assault and public drunkenness a couple times.

That info helped my SO get past his fear that the guy would find him some day & make good on his threat.” –SnooPickles3213


“I was the recipient of a PI. I came home from work one day and my bf asked to have my engagement ring as he wanted to take it to be professionally cleaned. The second he handed it over he accused me of cheating on him. The conversation went back and forth for ages. I was beside myself, I couldn’t believe what he was saying and he would not believe I was innocent. He then told me he’d had me followed for six weeks by a PI who had seen me get into a red mini. It was a girl I knew giving me a lift to work but he would not believe me. I knew then it was over and packed my things and left. I told him to get in touch with the PI and have another look at this so called evidence that I was cheating. An hour later he turns up at where I was staying begging to have me back. He’d realized his mistake. There was no way I was going to get back with someone who would behave that way though so we parted ways.” –Blondeinsideandout


“A friend hired one because he was suspicious his stepdad was being unfaithful to his mom. So, he asked me, and I put him in contact with a guy I knew. The PI said he wasn’t cheating. Apparently there was a house on the market that my friend’s mom wanted, and he bought it. He had been remodeling it for some time and he kept it a secret. As a 5-year anniversary gift to her, he bought it. Anyways, they live in a five-bed house now.” –Dchung0217



“My grandfather once hired a PI to investigate my grandmother. While spying on her from his car another investigator he knew came up frantically to his window and was like “what are you doing here!?” To which his response was obviously “What are YOU doing here?”

Turns out my grandmother was being investigated by the DEA for drug dealing. I don’t think anything came of it that I know of but we’re all pretty certain it’s the reason the old family barn was burned down. That woman if batshit crazy and this isn’t even the worst/wackiest story I’ve been told about her.” –MaethrilliansFate


“I know someone that hired a pet detective to find their cat and he f-ckin’ found him.” –eftah1991


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