Non-Americans Are Sharing The Things They Actually Think America Does Right (27 Posts)


NASA. —edeq_10


You have access to almost every possible climate and never have to leave the country. —RagePandazXD


There’s a lot of events in America. You guys have basically every event/convention that a redditor could ask for. —ThatSylverDude


That you guys don’t have tribal wars on sports events like big games. You even applaude the rivaling team when they had a good play. So how to behave watching sports; i.e. sports culture is definitely something the rest of the world can learn from the US of A. (and Canada). —ChrisMess


There is a very individualist philosophy, which is a good thing in many ways.

That attitude of I do what I want because I want to and nobody can tell me what to do or how to live my life.

In a way it is very freeing. —Frankyvander


Had relatives come in from Norway and they thought highways with 3 lanes where huge. Then they saw a 6 lane highway. —406-Not-Acceptable


The diversity is wonderful, both in the people, culture, food, architecture and nature. Also a European accent works wonders on American girls haha, I will always appreciate that. —MallenStreak97


You are allowed to publicly criticise your government and leader. —onepuffyeye


Lived in the US for one year in the Midwest. I have to say Americans are very talkative and they do like to socialize a lot. They love to get together a lot and meet up. There are lots of places to have fun and hang out like arcades, bowling alleys, bars… it’s just not something people really do where I live. —asolidfiver


The best food I have seen in 35 different countries visited. The food diversity in the US is phenomenal, and Americans have improved and perfected many cuisines. In Europe there’s way too much attention to being authentic, and in the US it really feels like the melting pot and “bastardization” of cuisines has elevated food to a whole new level. —Bit-Random


Cool v8 muscle cars —SubToNiilo22

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