Choosing Beggars Deserve To Get Trolled Sometimes (25 Pics)


16. This guy who beat a haggler at his own game

17. This über-entitled German example sentence

18. This poor teacher who just wants a donut like the nurses got

19. This entitled gamer who wants her free stuff optimized for the ultimate gaming experience

20. This “Straight Man” who must be a comedian with all these demands (Get in line ladies, he’s also racist!)

21. This spoiled gamer who already owns all the games and thinks the free ones are LAME   

22. This free sampler

23.”Choosing beggar wants an entire costume for less than $150, USA sourced, and fast”


24. This brain genius who claims he can’t afford games in the pandemic and so is asking for a discount…to buy a game

25. This renter who wants a cheap apartment and will definitely shit on your wall

More choosing beggars:

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