21 Men Are Answering The Question: “What’s The Strangest Thing You’ve Been Told Not To Do Because ‘That’s Gay?'”


Make sure you only get your left ear pierced. This might be a non thing now but when I got my first piercing in the 80’s it was a big deal to make sure you got the correct side of your head pierced. Right meant gay, left meant straight. And you didn’t want to be the kid that f—ked that up. This whole thing was made all the more comical by the fact I got my ear pierced with my best friend so we could split the cost. I mean there had to be nothing gayer then two pre teen boys arguing about what earring to buy and threatening to just not get it done. And this wasn’t an uncommon thing either, the girl at the jelwery store said it happened a few times every weekend.

  • I feel like I’ve given rise to some cult with of the left is right, right is wrong replies. Maybe there needs to be some new reddit team badges. —tdasnowman


I went on a date with a guy who wouldnt drink cocktails because they were gay. So he’d only drink beer to be more masculine. —Glubmerrow


I was told I must be gay because I had some knowledge about which wines are good. This was in Australia. —ephix


I saw a Twitter screenshot a little while ago from a woman who thought glasses “looked kinda gay.” Caption on the screenshot was : “Fellas, is it gay to see?” —maybeiamonreddit


When I was right out of college, I was heading out for drinks with my roommate. He’s from upstate NY. We were going to a kinda nice bar, so I threw on my wool jacket. It was cold out, so I grabbed a scarf. He was surprised I’d wear a scarf. He’s a super PC guy, so he never explicitly called it gay. And if I had been gay, he would have been fine with me wearing a scarf.

The funny thing is, he was wearing a ski-jacket out, and got shit from our other roommate for not dressing up more. Then, we started giving the third roommate shit for always wearing the same shirt every time he dresses up. So, in the end, 3 twenty something guys left late to go out because of an argument about our outfits. —freecain


A guy in the bus offered his seat to a woman that was standing. She looked at him and said “Are you gay or something?” like it’s gay to be polite. She still got the seat, but if I was him I wouldn’t give her my seat after that —Akinory13


Linen shopping. By my best friend. That’s nice bro, but I need towels. Deal with it. —Shiasurasa


Use a straw. Because apparently it’s like having a tiny penis in your mouth. I still use straws and haven’t had the urge to suck a d—ck yet. —PI3M3I


Once was told that baking and cooking were “gay” or “too feminine”. F—k that sh—t! My dad was a professional chef, and I’d be damned proud to follow in his footsteps in the culinary world. Also, who doesn’t love the guy who can whip up birthday cakes, brownies and snacks? —Tetragon213


Go dancing. On a date with a woman. Apparently dancing with your girlfriend is gay. —Belteshazzar98


I knew a guy who wouldn’t have a serious conversation that might cause any kind of emotion because “that’s gay”. It couldn’t even be something nice like talking about puppies. He also wouldn’t hug his children or his niece because that kind of affection is what women and gay guys use. He also wouldn’t smile in pictures unless his “woman” or children were in them. He wouldn’t tell his son that he loved him or spend quality time with him because he was scared that it would turn his son gay. So, basically, anything that caused happiness or a decent quality of life was gay. His dad apparently would beat him for that “pansy sh*t” when he was a kid so, I can understand why he does what he does but, it’s still majorly f*cked up. —ksstar97

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