People Are Sharing What Life-Changing Things You Can Buy For Less Than $100

Here’s the deal: people on Reddit love to share the moments and people who changed their lives. But, sometimes a product can really change things around for you, and these people took the time to tell the whole Internet what those products are.

Below you’ll find suggestions from real people about things they bought for less than $100 that altered the course of their work life, marriage, or day-to-day existence.

I’m not saying they’ll all work for you, but I am saying that I’m thinking about getting a second monitor for my computer. Yes, that should fix everything wrong in my life. If it doesn’t, I’m afraid of what will happen to me. 

The good people of r/AskReddit would never lie to you. Someone asked, “What life-changing item can you buy for less than $100?” and everyone had an answer.

Here is a list of what many agree are life-changing purchases that cost less than $100:

1. Clear your sinuses.


“A nasal irrigation kit – either the electronic pump or simply the squeeze bottles. I started using them both leading up to surgery on my sinuses, and I haven’t stopped using them since. It takes some getting used to, but the relief and clean feeling is amazing.” –kundersmack

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2. A second monitor. It’s not just for watching the stock market!


“It’s really nice to be able to watch things while doing something else, something that you just can’t properly do without 2 monitors. Would strongly recommend.” –HairClippingJesus

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3. No more Starbucks with this coffee maker.


“AeroPress coffee maker. The thing broke my wife of her $200(?) monthly Starbucks habit. The unit costs maybe $25 or so.” –HeadyPlay

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4. Plants will make you feel good.


“House plants. They will make you happy looking after them. I recently bought a venus fly trap, she caught her first fly today. So proud.” –ManonastickUk

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5. Got rice?


“Rice cooker. That fucker kept me fed during depression when I barely had the energy to get out of bed. Takes less than nothing to get some rice in there and flip the switch. Want something sweet? Throw coconut and sugar in there. Want flavor but can’t be fucked to make anything? Get some spanish rice or saffron goin. You can throw tofu in there with it if you need . Yeah it’s not the best for you but hot food is better than no food.” –HotTopicMallRat

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6. Boring old socks.


“New pair of socks. If you’ve been wearing the same pairs forever like I typically usually do theirs nothing like putting on a new pair of freshly bought socks, you can totally feel the difference, I never realized til was an adult sadly but I appreciate the feeling of new socks all the time.” –Spider-Mike23

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7. Pet ducks.


“Two pet ducks. You may be tempted to go for one. But trust me. You need two. And you’ll have about $76 left over.” –duckmama89

8. I have one and this is correct.


“I bought a $1 back scratcher from an asian market in town.
Best $1 I ever spent.” –matthewsmazes

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9. Wake up on the right side of the bed.


“A decent light wake up alarm clock. Completely changed my mornings. Don’t think I could ever go back to using my phone or a simple alarm clock.” –ringolennon67

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10. A coffee pot with a timer is the only nice thing I do for my future self.


“If you have trouble getting up or functioning in the morning, and like a nice cup of coffee or tea, an electric kettle with a timer can be a real game-changer. Or just getting an electric kettle if you don’t have one.” –zazzlekdazzle

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11. A vertical mouse (looks weird but people swear by it!)


“Vertical mouse. $20. Saved my wrist using it at work all day.

It looks odd but it feels so much more natural. I even got a bunch of people at my office to buy one after they tried mine.” –AnxiouslyAmicable

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12. Get a king-sized blanket for whatever bed you have.


“I got a king for a double bed. Best decision ever! The double sheets fit the bed, but I couldn’t snuggle completely under them without curling up. Now. I can hide completely under the duvet stretched out. Best thing ever in the winter!” –Zanki

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13. Make your knives sharper and easier to use.


“I put off buying a whet stone for a long time, mostly because i was nervous i would use it wrong and ruin my knifes, but its not too hard at all if you get one with an angle guide. Makes chopping stuff up faster, easier & safer.” –alexjav21

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14. Smother me, please.


“In my opinion definitely a weighted blanket if you have a hard time sleeping at night or have anxiety. They have some at target for $25 currently.” –stupidveganbaby

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15. Let there be light.


“Motion sensor night lights. Can’t tell you how many stubbed toes or falls they have prevented. Also a cheap intruder alarm.” –epanek

Buy it on Amazon

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.