23 Groupies Who Hooked Up With Their Idols Share Their Stories


I had a friend that was singled out after a Prince concert by his security. They told her that Prince would like her company at his hotel. She grabs one of our other friends to go with her. Maybe as backup or maybe as a witness to the amazing things that are about to happen. Turns out when she gets to the room where all the security and crew are Prince had no intention of hanging out with her and then it became obvious that it was the security guard that liked her. She’s super bummed. Best part about it was the friend she brought along ended up sleeping with the security guard.—u/DummyMcStupid


A friend of mine blew Ludacris. Her and 3 others saw him on the street and hollered at him. They went back to his hotel and he and my friend went into the bedroom and they performed oral on each other. While they they waited in the other room for them to finish, my other friend stole their weed—u/BombaFett

groupies who had sex with celebrities, people who hooked up with celebs, groupies hooked up with celebs


My girlfriend banged Danzig on his tour bus and afterwards he gave her his toaster. That is not some kind of double entendre.—u/Wolf_Mommy

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