Funny Wishing “Bone Apple Tea” To Everyone Who Struggled With Spelling In 2020 (100 Pics) by Dan Wilbur December 2, 2020 46. Your feet will become frogs. via reddit 47. You are high. via reddit 48. Maybe the writer meant the person was wet and needed to dry off? via reddit 49. Strap in for this one. via reddit 50. Misheard lyrics. via reddit 51. If that’s not how you say it, then why do so many people celebrate by drinking? via reddit 52. Oh shoot. via reddit 53. A paw drawing a sketch of other paws. via reddit 54. Certainly no time to look up a word. via reddit 55. I want to be a speed bump. via reddit 56. This one might just be the name of some good-ass blueberries. via reddit 57. Paul Bunyan at the grocery store. via reddit 58. Sound it out, dummy! via reddit 59. Professors think they’re so smart. via reddit 60. Is he about to pass a stone? via reddit Page 4 of 7Previous page 1234567Next page Dan Wilbur Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.