Wishing “Bone Apple Tea” To Everyone Who Struggled With Spelling In 2020 (100 Pics)

76. This person got owned though.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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77. You all need to read more, including this person.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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78. When your kid has a dog leaking out of its body.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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79. White knuckling it.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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80. Painful for the dog and the person reading this.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail

81. Soft more.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail

82. Take a right proper look at this one.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail

83. Y’all need to pick up a Bible or any other book.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail

84. Out of the what now?

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail

85. That’s where squirrels pee.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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86. Putting the Mmmm in MMMmmichael Scott.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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87. You lick it, you bought it.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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88. Little tiny clowns.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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89. It’s a girl!

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.