mom drove to school without kids, mom forgot kids at home

Mom’s Video Realizing She’s Driving To School But Forgot Her Kids At Home Goes Viral

Look, moms have got a lot on their minds. There are so many things to juggle when you’re in charge of not only your own life, but the lives of other people. They have to make sure everyone is dressed and fed and out the door when they need to be. Sometimes that means rushing. Sometimes a mom has to rush so much, she gets in the car and takes off down the highway leaving her children behind. It’s called parenting.

A Twitter user who posts under the handle @torrespriss shared a video of a mom having the time of her life after she realizes she’s left her children back at the house and is driving confidently to their school without them. This might be a scary moment for some, but she is laughing her damn ass off and it’s infectious:

I will admit, for a moment I imagining some unattended kindergarteners, but when she arrived back at her house, her two strapping teen sons seemed to find the situation just as funny, and no one had burned the place down. They filmed their mom and she filmed them and everyone was happy:

The situation is all too familiar to the moms in the audience who have also had some amazing brain fart moments while trying to keep it together. Some people said it is definitely going to be them in the near future, once they get to procreating. And others are hoping this lady gets some rest and relaxation because it seems like she needs a reset:

It seems like everyone is all right in the end, and that’s all that matters to a mom.

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