“What Is The Worst Thing To Happen To You During Sex?“—A Viral Thread (30 Replies)


He was going to f—king town on me with some toys while eating me out. Right as I came (super hard… saw stars) I blasted a giant queef right in his sweet face. In my defense, he was the one cramming a bunch of air all up in there. —BroffaloSoldier


Guy I lost my virginity invited me over, we were both in high school. I apparently wasn’t over my period yet so got blood on his d*ck and he got so mad he kicked me out. I had no car, so his best friend ended up picking me up and driving me home and apologized on his behalf. —paradise1A


Newly pregnant with our first baby and had some weird morning sickness but also was insanely horny. Was riding my husband and ended up throwing up all over him and the bed when I climaxed. —alt-tuna


I was 19 and my bf went a little too deep and I was hit with blinding pain. Wound up on the floor crying for 30 minutes before we went to the hospital. Turns out I had a bad appendix and it was about to burst.

The worst part though was the doctor laughed during the exam and asked if we figured it out during sex. Cue me being embarrassed and confused. Finally asked him how he knew it. He said, “you have a hickey on each a** cheek”. Dead giveaway. With everything going on, I’d forgotten. —keystonepaloalto


It was my first time having sex and the girls mother came in. It was Mother’s Day. —PoloHorsemen


At 19 I broke my left hip, reverse cowgirl gone so very wrong. We still finished. Got a hip replacement and ride like a champ now. Married the guy. He was my high school bf, he was 20. When the big o passed it definetly hurt. —kaiaskyhawk


Someone came in my throat and it came out of my nose —michaelarp12


She said “you’re so good at this”

Followed that up with “much better than Travis and Matt”

Who the f—k are Travis and Matt?? —MaxwellVonMaxwell


Broke my pinky as I was shifting my position during missionary. My girlfriend (wife now) and I both heard it crack but I was so into it that I finished, went to the washroom, reset the finger and never even went to the hospital. It healed on it’s own but there’s still a bit of a crook to the right. We still laugh about it to this day. —superstarbillygraham


I had an ex who liked for me to finger her a** while I ate her out. one time while doing so i could feel the turds actually working their way out. i quickly stopped. —ErebusBlackSoul

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