car for sale choosing beggar

Woman Looking For A “Cheap Car” Insults The Seller When He Gives The Price As $3000

The subreddit r/ChoosingBeggars never disappoints. Anytime you want to check in on the most entitled people on the planet, you can hop on over there and discover the new heights that people will go when it comes to demanding stuff they don’t deserve.

These screenshots come from u/SplendaFather under the title, “A friend of one of my employees is looking for a cheap car…I tried so hard to keep my cool.” The woman texting him is named Kierra. She says she’s a friend of a man named Brad, who knows the OP. “He told me you have a cheap car for sale?” she writes.

“Good evening,” he replies, “Yes I’m selling my 2006 Honda Civic. It’s my third vehicle and I don’t have much use for it anymore. Did he mention price?”

“No he just said it was cheap how much,” she answers. When he tells her it’s 3,000 dollars, she just responds, “LOL.”

“I’m sorry?” the OP asks. “Lol it means laugh out,” she helpfully explains. “I think its funny you want 3000$ I could buy a bmw for that.”

The OP manages to respond pretty calmly, considering. He warns her that a Honda Civic like his will be a better deal than a $3,000 BMW. But instead of letting sleeping dogs lie, she keeps needling him, asking “What color is it?”

Why do you need to know, lady? You’re not buying it. Predictably, when he tells her the car is white, she says, “Nah I hate white.”

“So just don’t but my car then?” he suggests.

“Lol I wont good luck selling your pos Honda,” she answers.

To that, he replies, ” Tell brad to call me when he has a minute and go f—k yourself.”

Well, he held it together for as long as he could. To me, it seems like this woman didn’t have three thousand dollars to spend on a car, and decided to make that the OP’s problem in the nastiest way possible. The OP left a comment saying that he spoke with Brad and complained about his rude friend, then made some comments about her sexual prowess based on Brad’s assessment.

It’s pretty gross and sexist, honestly, so now I don’t feel a all bad for him either! But that’s the “explanation” for Kierra and Brad’s friendship.

Most commenters also had sexist stuff to say, but a few weighed in on the quality of the Honda versus a used luxury car sold at the same price:

I am still wondering what she considers cheap for a car.

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