16 People Share The “Super Obvious” Things People Around Them Missed


My boyfriend and I initially started dating in high school. Our friend group was me and a bunch of guys, and I was relatively new to the group, and worried I’d become “his girlfriend” if we went public too quickly, so we kept it quiet. We later stopped caring, but it was too far in to make an announcement without seeming weird, so we decided to just admit everything if anyone ever asked, but not bring it up ourselves.

Well, we weren’t the couple that was all over each other in public, but we were fairly affectionate, always sitting next to each other, talking somewhat privately, playfully poking and all that. We would also hold hands on our way out of school, when we didn’t see anyone around. That last one is what nearly caused problems the most. Regularly someone would come up behind us and say hi, and we’d quickly drop our hands. They never seemed to notice, shockingly (Our friends were really oblivious). We figured that they were probably noticing, but not saying anything.

Until one day. Somehow a conversation arose about how some people are closer in our group than others. Both of our names are mentioned, and they all say that we seem like close friends. Somehow they all noticed we were close but never put two and two together. I know this because of the shock they experienced when they finally properly found out.

We’re still together, by the way. —Thunderflamequeen


One time when I still in school my mother walked into my room in the middle of my acid tripped and asked me what I was doing up. I turned around instantly with probably the craziest look on my face and said I couldn’t sleep. She told me to go to bed and shut my door. Tripped fucking balls that night. —RushingRocks


A couple years ago I was doing no-shave November, so I had built up a decent growth of beard, and on the last day of the month I decided to shave just half my face and keep it for 24 hours before I took the rest off too. So for one day I went around campus with beard only on the left half of my face, and you could tell that at least 80% of people’s brains just extrapolated the second half of my beard because they didn’t blink, while the remaining fraction would turn their heads as I walked by.

I was talking about it with some friends outside my class while waiting for my professor at one point, and when she arrived my friends tried to show her my face, and it took a full 30 seconds and her putting her face a foot away from mine and peering before she suddenly jumped back and exclaimed “oh my gosh!” At some point halfway through class she even stopped her lecture to tell me, “I really see it now and your face is very distracting”. —ary31415


When I was 10, I took a shit inside the ruins of a medieval fortress. My grandpa walked by while I was doing my thing. Fortunately for me, he was too absorbed in his thoughts and didn’t notice me, even though there were no doors. —Zeta42


my dad, my uncle, my sister and I were hiking a narrow-ish trail that ran around the side of a mountain. There was a ravine/cliff drop on our right, at least 50m deep. We had just passed a sign a few minutes before saying “caution, fatalities have occurred on this trail”. My sis is out in front, then me, then my dad & uncle bringing up the rear. Multi-day hike, so we’re all wearing packs making us a bit top-heavy.

Suddenly sister kinda twists her ankle on a rock and falls in the ravine. I’m fucking terrified and sprint to where she fell, kneel down on the path to peer over and check it out. Luckily the cliff wasn’t pure vertical and there were a few bushes that sister caught herself on. She started making her way back up, shaken but uninjured. I stayed there on my knees to help her up when she reached the top.

Then my dad & uncle catch up with me and dad says “you shouldn’t run on this path. It’s too narrow, you could fall”. I don’t remember what I said, it felt like I just pointed down and gibbered, but they got the idea.

My poor dad was so shaken for days after and years later he still doesn’t like it when sister & I joke about it. He couldn’t believe that his kid literally fell off a cliff and could have died and he didn’t notice. —a_peanut


one day I went to the supermarket with my mother and older sister we had finished shopping and had loaded the shopping into the car as i was younger I was in the backseat my sister went to put the shopping cart back and while we was gone my mother pulled out and started driving away we got about 500 meters down the road before I said to my mother what about my sister? she turns around and looks at me with a glare and looks me dead in the eye for 15 seconds before focusing back on the road and turning around as we are driving back we see my sister running along the road waving her hands. My sister told everyone the story and my mother just told everyone she is lying. —eZ3_3

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