20 Parents Share The Questions Their Toddlers Ask That Google Can’t Answer


“Daddy, are you going to be a boy when you grow down?” — JshWright


“Whats the smell of the colour nine?” — DaddyGamer1984


“My 1st grader asked in front of her entire classroom, why does the Tooth Fairy want my teeth? 30 6 year olds looked at me for the answer.” — smaysy


“True story.

‘Mom. What’s the thing you put in your butt?’

She asked this for years and I would constantly tell her you don’t put things in your butt. She would ask this ALL the time. initially I was terrified she may have.

Finally I got the answer. In Walmart. At the checkout. As I’m purchasing tampons she screams at the top of her lungs ‘THOSE ARE WHAT YOU STICK UP YOUR BUTT.’

I must have had her with me at one time and it traumatized her. Although not more than I was in Walmart that day.” — piglet110419


“When we go to sleep, where do we go?” —  mhamouda2019


“She asked me if employees come to their work on their off day, do they get to use the employee bathroom or the customer bathroom.” — youreawizardhailley


“Me: I love you!

3 Year Old: Why?

Me: Because you’re my little boy!

3 Year Old: Why?

It’s been 2 weeks and I’m still evaluating why. Sent me on an existential journey.” — tfwNotPraisingTheSun


“Why was everything in black and white when I was a baby?” — DrTautology


“At 4 yrs old she asked me, ‘Why is happiness important?’ Turns out, it’s a surprisingly difficult question to answer.” — caudron


“Not why but how. My little cousin asked me ‘How do we see such big trees with such little eyes?'” — arz992

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