Wishing “Bone Apple Tea” To Everyone Who Struggled With Spelling In 2020 (100 Pics)

The end of 2020 means it’s time to whip up a big batch of the funniest and worst spelling mistakes the internet has to offer. “Bone Apple Tea!” as the French say. Before you know it, we’ll be singing “Old Lang’s Eye” and welcoming in a new year. Until then, here’s hoping you aren’t as stupid as kids complaining about their “allow ants” or the fact they can’t enjoy milk because of “lack toast” intolerance. One of those is real.

May 2021 be as stupid as this year was. 2020 got so dumb, you have to laugh. Sit back and enjoy the funny grammar and spelling fails.

People struggled with grammar and spelling throughout 2020, and it made the whole world laugh:

1. Hey, idiot! That’s not a grape!

Man holding up a nut of some kind that looks like a grape and someone says that's an egg corn, bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
via reddit

2. Well, do you?

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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3. A recipe for disaster.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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4. You love to smell it.

woman holding sticks of incense but she wrote I love the smell of incest, bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
via reddit

5. Mmmmm, roasted garlic on pasta. A perfect meal if you’re stoned.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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6. Feel the rhythm!

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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7. I love vanilla in all forms: metaphysical or otherwise.

someone asking about vanilla abstract on twitter, bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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8. The most painful of tacs.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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9. Preach!

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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10. Survival of the what now?

moose hunt story and someone wrote survival of the fetus, bone apple tea, funny spelling fail
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11. The Toe-sen One.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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12. Grin and bear it.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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13. Lo siento.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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14. I got chills! They’re multiplying.

bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
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15. Just like momma used to burn.

gas station pump says if you need a recipe instead of receipt, bone apple tea, funny grammar spelling fail
via reddit

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.